Film faced plywood is popular formwork plywood produced in Vietnam and popularly used in many countries: Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Middle-East... However, not all users know how to storage and maintenance in the right way. Let's find the film-faced plywood storage and maintenance instruction from FOMEX GROUP - the owner of FOMEX GREENWOOD Brand.
Film-faced plywood is a kind of veneer plywood covered with phenolic film and WBP glue, that’s why it is increased stability and resistant to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and corrosive chemicals. Film-faced plywood is ideal for formwork and will keep its shape regardless of changes in humidity. Its film face provides different finishes such as wire mesh anti-slip smooth finish and is suitable to use for internal and external applications. Film-faced plywood is finished to high standards and has a high resistance to corrosion and moisture.
Fomex Greenwood - Film Faced Plywood
Film-faced plywood is mainly used for construction. It can help to accelerate the construction progress, improve the quality of the project and reduce the cost of the project. This is very important (Film faced plywood applications) and Film faced plywood is one kind of formwork plywood from Vietnam.
1. The film-faced plywood in a dry, clean and airy environment, avoids high moisture or heat places. We keep the plywood sheet horizontal and do not let the plywood sheet contact directly with the ground. 2. Plywood should be stored in a horizontal position, in the packs on pallets, wooden strips, or wooden bars-pads (thickness – not less than 50 mm, length-not less than the width of a pack, without overhanging). 3. Store individual sheets on a stable basis over the ground. Use pallets, wooden strips, or wooden bars-pads to avoid the sagging of plywood sheets. 4. Storage temperature should be from -40° to +50° C. Relative humidity must not exceed 80%. 5. During long-term storage, cut or remove all package tapes. This will prevent the appearance of marks on the top and bottom sheets of the packs. 6. If plywood is temporarily stored outdoors, cover it with an impermeable material. Protect flat ends from moisture. Pallets, wooden strips, or wooden bars-pads must be dry to avoid leaving marks on the film. 7. If plywood gets wet, let it dry naturally.
Film Faced Plywood Warehouse - Fomex Group
While using the Film-faced plywood, the users should protect the shuttering plywood to gain more recycling uses. Below is our suggestion:
Panels should be cut, shaped, and drilled by using standard wood-working tools. Recommended blade diameter ~ 350 mm, thickness ~ 3.5 mm, number of teeth > 100, and rotational speed 3,000 - 3,600 rpm.
Seal resulting raw edges, holes, and all damaged areas with appropriate water-resistant/ proof paint.